WAR HUMOR: "South Carolina Topsey in a Fix" (Civil War Cartoon)

Ophelia (Young woman holding flag): "So, Topsey, you're at the bottom of this piece of wicked work--picking stars out of this sacred Flag! What would your forefathers say, do you think? I'll just hand you over to the new overseer, Uncle Abe. He'll fix you!"

Slave girl Topsey: "Never had no father, nor mother, nor nothing! I was raised by speculators! I's mighty wicked anyhow! 'What makes me ack so?' Dun no, missis-- I 'spects cause I's so wicked!"

Another slave, running down the stairs: "Hand us over to ole Abe, eh? Ize off!"
(Note: in 2007, these stereotypes are odd and outmoded; I wonder how 2007 humor will seem to our 2107 descendants?)

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This comment section is reserved for WAR HUMOR (If War is Hell, Why are We Laughing?). It's difficult finding good war humor--the above cartoon is a stretch and if drawn today would be considered politically incorrect. Think Joseph Heller's Catch-22.

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