Iraq/Afghanistan Wars: US Fallen Soldiers -- Index E


Eacho, Donald W.

Eason, Carl A.

Eaton, Richard S., Jr.

Ebert, Blain M.

Ebert, Christopher S.

Echols, Thomas P.

Eckert, Gary A., Jr.

Eckfield, Robert F., Jr.

Eckhardt, Christopher M.

Eckhart, William C.

Edds, Jonathan W.

Edens, William A.

Edge, James C.

Edgerton, Marshall L.

Edgin, Kevin F.

Edinger, Benjamin C.

Edmunds, Jonn J.

Edmundson, Phillip C.

Edwards, Amos C., Jr.

Edwards, Chase A.

Edwards, Mark O.

Edwards, Michael I.

Edwards, Shawn C.

Edwards, William L.

Egan, Michael

Eggers, Daniel W.

Eggers, Kyle A.

Egnor, Jody L.

Ehle, Jeremy W.

Ehney, Robert W.

Ehrlich, Andrew C.

Eischen, Nicholas D.

Eisenhauer, Wyatt D.

Elam, Gregory L.

Elandt, Aaron C.

Elazzpuzi, Farid

Elias, Elias

Elizalde, Adrian M.

Elizarraras, Emigdio E.

Ellenburg, Kevin J.

Elliott, Terry J.

Ellis, James D.

Ellis, Joseph J.

Ellis, Shane E.

Ellsworth, Justin M.

Elrod, Nathan R.

Elrod, Steven R.

Emanuel, William R., IV

Emch, Lucas W.A.

Emerson, Matthew J.

Emery, Blair W.

Emolo, Ebe F.

Emul, Adam Q.

Endlich, Cory M.

Endsley, Zachary R.

Engel, Mark E.

Engeldrum, Christian P.

Engeman, John W.

English, Shawn L.

Engstrom, Andrew T.

Enos, Peter G.

Eppich, Robert S.

Erberich, Christopher M.

Erdy, Nicholas B.

Escalante, Brian A.

Esckelson, Christopher E.

Escobar, Sergio H.

Espaillat, Pedro I., Jr,

Espiritu, Allan M. Cundanga

Esposito, Michael J., Jr.

Esposito, Phillip T.

Estep, Adam W.

Estep, James E.

Estes, Justin M.

Estralla-Soto, Ruben

Estrella, Michael A.

Etterling, Jonathan E.

Evans, David, Jr.

Evans, Kermit O.

Evans, Michael S., II

Evans, William L.

Everett, Christopher L.

Evey, Jason M.

Evnin, Mark A.

Ewens, Forrest P.

Ewing, Anthony D.

Ewing, Jeremy Ricardo

Eyerly, Justin L.

Ezernack, Troy S.


If your loved one's name appears on this list, feel free to post a comment/story about him or her, or email me (Bugzita [at] your soldier's details, story, and/or photographs.

If your loved one does not appear on this list and should, please let me know, and I will add it.

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